Climate activist group demonstrates in front of state capitol, demanding action on climate change

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Climate change protesters camped out at the state capitol Tuesday night and said they wouldn't leave until Gov. Jay Inslee declares a climate emergency and stops fossil fuel expansion projects.

A group called the Protectors of the Salish Sea spearheaded the effort.

The protest began 9 a.m. Tuesday, but protesters stayed long after the anticipated 6 p.m. end. The state patrol stopped by around midnight, but did not take any action to remove the protesters.

Some of the protesters' demands include ending projects like the Tacoma LNG project and the Puget Sound and North Seattle lateral pipelines.

The Protectors of the Salish Sea have a track record when it comes to demonstrations like this. A similar protest happened in January 2018, and they are here again on the heels of Friday's climate demonstrations.

It's not clear if any state representatives have met the group out on the steps.

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