
County-by-county snow plow route maps & information

Snowy roads in Western Washington (KIRO 7 News)
(KIRO 7 News)

WESTERN WASHINGTON — With lows in the teens and 20s this week, the weekend snowfall across Western Washington won’t be melting any time soon.

Here are links to maps which show which roads are prioritized to be treated, sanded or plowed.

Washington State Department of Transportation

For for state interstates and highways: Priority plow route maps | WSDOT snow and ice plan

Clallam County

Port Angeles: Snow removal priority map

Sequim: Snow clearance route

Grays Harbor County

Emergency Management

Island County

County priority snow removal maps

Jefferson County

Snow removal maps

King County

King County: PDF: Map of 2021-2022 snow route | Text list of snow routes

Burien: Priority routes for deicing and snow removal

Kirkland: Priority snow plow routes | Real-time traffic cameras

Sammamish: Snow and ice route map

Seattle: Winter weather response map

Kitsap County

Snow and ice plowing routes

Lewis County

Road conditions

Mason County

Snow plow maps

Pierce County

Lakewood: Snow and ice response priority map

Pierce County: Map of primary snow plow routes

Puyallup: Snow plow and deicer route map

Tacoma: Primary snow routes map | Street closures due to weather

Skagit County

Anacortes: Plowing and sanding routes

Mount Vernon: Snow/Ice Route Priority Map

Sedro-Woolley: Snow/Ice Route Priority Map

Snohomish County

Unincorporated Snohomish County: Road closures | Snow removal map

Everett: Map of Everett priority snow and ice removal routes

Thurston County

Thurston County Public Works: Winter and storm response

Whatcom County

Whatcom County Public Works: Whatcom County winter snow and ice plan

Bellingham: Anti-Icing priority list & sanding routes