
Crippling elk hoof disease still spreading in Washington

Four elk with elk hoof disease were identified in recent months in northwest Washington -- where the disease had not previously been detected.

Elk hoof disease, also known scientifically as Treponeme-Associated Hoof Disease or TAHD, "is a debilitating disease that causes sores on the feet and deformed, overgrown, broken, or sloughed hooves," according to Washington State University. Click here to read more.

State officials say that while the disease is highly infectious among elk, there's no evidence that it affects people.

The diagnosis points “to an expansion of the disease up the Olympic Peninsula and nearing Olympic National Park. The disease is now present on the southeast, south, west, and southwest borders of the park,” officials said.

According to officials, all four cases were obtained from legally harvested elk.

KIRO 7 will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

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