Democrats decry flyers designed to divide progressives

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SEATTLE — Brenda Fincher is a Kent City councilwoman who is not running for office in November. But a political flyer sent to many voters in Kent suggested she'd be a better write-in candidate than the Democrat running for state representative in the 47th Legislative District.

"It's a lie, just a plain old lie," Fincher said in an interview.

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​It's a question we put to Glen Morgan. The man who created the flyer and mailed it and others like it to four separate legislative districts where the races are close.

"The flyer doesn't say she's running for state representative. It says you can write her in as a better option," said Morgan. When we pointed out that the flyer includes an image that says "Brenda for State Representative" Morgan responded, "Yeah, but it doesn't say that she's running it says write her in as an option. Send a message."

Mukilteo Aerospace executive Peter Zieve contributed $10,000 for the flyers. He was in the news last year for paying a $485,000 settlement for anti-Muslim expressions in the workplace.

The State Democratic Party Tina Podlodowski believes the flyers will divert votes that would otherwise go to the Democratic candidate. "All of these races are going to be very close this year. Let's never forget that in 2004 Dino Rossi was defeated by 133 votes by Chris Gregoire," said Podlodowski.

Morgan says he's a conservative, who's just trying to give progressives better choices.

"I'm the conscience of progressives and I have been the conscience of progressives for a long time in Washington state.

Brenda Fincher believes it's all a dirty trick to help the Republicans win.

"How do you sleep; how do you sleep with yourself?" she wonders about Morgan.

Fincher makes it clear that she's supporting Democratic Candidate Debra Entenman in the 47th District.

Under Washington law, write-in candidates can't take office should they win, unless they have filed for write-in status in advance.