
A devastating loss of otter pup at the Woodland Park Zoo

"Trout" swimming with his Family at Woodland Park Zoo (Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren/Woodland Park Zoo)

SEATLE — Woodland Park Zoo staff mourn the death of one of the otter pups at Woodland Park Zoo after he died in a tragic accident.

On Saturday, the Woodland Park Zoo announced that one of the two otter pups born in March passed away after getting wedged between a ramp and a platform.

Trout had recently learned to swim and was available for public viewing to park guests.

Animal Keepers responded within five minutes but attempts to resuscitate Trout failed.

“Our animal keeper team and staff are absolutely devastated. The passing of a beloved animal is never easy, but a loss like this is particularly emotional because we wish there was something else we could have done to save Trout,” Animal Curator Erin Sullivan said. “The team was really remarkable this morning. They are grieving, but also still finding ways to show up for each other and all of the other animals in their care.”

Plans are in place to provide extra attention and care to parents, Valkyrie and Dory, as they deal with this loss.

It is unknown how Trout got wedged since the platform and ramp has been in use for years by other otters.

The Woodland Park Zoo said no other otters have suffered any injuries on this ramp and platform since they began using them.

No word on whether the public viewing area will be temporarily closed.