Dire need for Type O blood as supplies are critically low

Bloodworks Northwest is asking for donors to help rebuild their Type O blood supplies after reaching critically low levels.

Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, also known as the “Deadliest 100 Days” is a period during the year when the number of motor vehicle accidents increases.

This is also the time when blood banks like Bloodworks Northwest see the highest need for this type of blood.

Bloodworks Northwest provides this important life-saving blood to 95% of Pacific Northwest hospitals.

Type O blood, both positive and negative, is the most common blood type and the most transfused.

According to Bloodworks Northwest’s current forecast, the decline in supply will continue if more donors do not come forward.

“While a four or five-day supply is ideal for patients, our community has less than a 24-hour supply in stock of Type O positive – the most commonly transfused blood type,” said Bloodworks Northwest Co-Chief Medical Officer Dr. Kirsten Alcorn. “Unless we can stabilize the Type O supply, this could quickly become a concerning situation for our trauma centers and first responders who may transfuse badly injured patients before they arrive at the hospital, such as in the ambulance or life-flight helicopter. It’s vital people of all blood types, especially Type O, take an hour to give blood this summer because it saves lives.”

Those interested in donating do not need to know their blood type to participate.

The procedure, starting from check-in to cookie, takes about an hour to complete.

To make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

More information about who can donate and where can be found at www.bloodworksnw.org.