
Dreamboyz Espresso shop opens in Capitol Hill, employs shirtless male baristas


SEATTLE — After a bikini barista shop in Capitol Hill closed after failing to attract enough customers, a new coffee shop employing shirtless men has taken its place.

As first reported by Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, Dreamboyz Espresso opened on Sept. 13.

The owners say it’s currently the only coffee stand operated by shirtless men in Washington state.

The stand is located in a parking lot at the corner of Broadway and Harrison. Ladybug Espresso, which used to occupy the space, closed recently after a lack of business

But the new all-male barista stand is turning a lot of heads.

I saw a hunky guy in there,” said Jacob Haeger, who lives in the neighborhood. “There was a topless guy sitting in there with swollen pecs and what not,” he said.

“I saw it was men running it and that was even more awesome. They’re in these kind of brief bikinis and they’re all very good looking young men, so I think both men and women will enjoy the difference,” said Shoma Goomansingh, another Cap Hill resident.

The Dreamboyz stand is still in its soft open phase. The two baristas put up the sign with the slogan, “Hot Guys Serving Hot Coffee” on Tuesday, and it immediately got people to turn heads and pull out their phones to take a picture.

“I worked for Starbucks a couple years back and I really enjoyed being a barista,” said Brandon Peters, one of the new employees.

“I felt like why can women do it but men can't?” said Ja’shaun Williams, another one of the new employees.

The owners of the new coffee stand also own 45 LadyBug Bikini Espresso stands with female baristas across Washington and Oregon.

Their Cap Hill location closed a few months ago after a lack of business. The owners said their customers and employees suggested hiring men to serve coffee instead.

And now they’ve decided to go for it.

Even people who aren't so into the idea of bikini baristas with women said they're finding this stand, has a different vibe.

“I thought it was fun. I've never seen anything like it and I was like yeah, hell yeah this is Capitol Hill. Bring it on,” Haeger said.

People who passed the stand all seemed to think there's no better place for it than in Seattle's Pride central.

“I definitely like the idea of equality with it now. A male stand and female stands. I really like it and I think it's a cool form of a little bit of entertainment with your coffee,” Haeger said.

“Everyone's been very appropriate and respectful. I appreciate it, I love it,” Williams said.

The owners are planning a grand opening after all the new signage is up.

The restaurant Teriyaki & Wok that shares the same parking lot said the previous stand with mostly topless women brought in a lot of complaints, but they are happy about the change up.

What do you think of the new coffee shop? Join the conversation on the KIRO 7 Facebook page.

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