
DUI suspect hits power pole and knocks power out to a Sedro-Woolley neighborhood

DUI suspects hit power pole and knocks power out to Sedro-Woolley residents. (Sedro-Woolley Police Department)

SEDRO-WOOLLEY, Wash. — Around 2:15 a.m., a driver charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) crashed into a power pole and knocked the power out to many residents in Sedro-Woolley.

Sedro-Woolley Police arrived on F&S Grade Road and found a pickup truck and a downed power pole.

According to police, the pickup left the roadway, impacted a driveway, and flew about 20 feet before hitting the pole.

Police say the driver had minor injuries and showed signs of intoxication.

The driver failed the field sobriety test given by officers and was arrested and charged with DUI.

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) crews arrived to restore power to residents.