Durkan announces city investment in 600 new permanent housing units for homeless

SEATTLE — The Seattle Office of Housing is investing $60 million to help build 600 new apartment units of permanent housing for the homeless in response to COVID-19.

Mayor Jenny Durkan announced the news Wednesday and said it will help bring more people inside during the public health crisis.

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Officials said the new homes will be in addition to the 3,700 permanent supportive housing units currently in service and the more than 350 units under construction that have been awarded funding.

“The City of Seattle is making a significant investment to create more housing in our community,” Durkan said in a news release. “With this investment, we are breaking the mold by developing new innovative strategies to build even more permanent supportive housing, more quickly for our neighbors who need it most.”

Officials said the $60 million is coming from the Seattle Housing Levy and will be leveraged with state and federal resources to help build and operate the units.

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