Durkan announces up to $11.6 million in funding for homeless service providers

SEATTLE — Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on Wednesday announced up to $11.6 million in funding for shelters, day centers, and permanent housing to help pay for the costs of the initial phases of the coronavirus response.

The funding is also meant to help maintain higher-level services throughout the pandemic.

>> Related: Durkan announces city investment in 600 new permanent housing units for homeless

Officials said their ongoing efforts have helped create new shelters and temporary spaces that are designed to de-intensify shelters where large groups gather. The also said their efforts have helped the ongoing operation of day centers, and have allowed shelters and permanent housing to meet public health requirements.

With the funding, city officials said they expect to spend nearly $150 million in 2020 to support “Seattle’s most vulnerable communities.”

“Our city owes our homeless service providers a great debt. With our support they have been on the pandemic’s front lines, further protecting our most marginalized communities,” Durkan said.

The funding has been awarded to the following agencies:

Bailey Boushay House

Catholic Community Services

Catholic Housing Services

Chief Seattle Club, Compass Housing


Lake City Partners


New Horizons

Plymouth Housing

Salvation Army


Seattle Indian Center

Transitional Resources

Urban League
