Elizabeth Warren slams Amazon for $1 million donation to change Seattle City Council

Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren slammed Amazon on Twitter Saturday for what she says are the e-commerce giant's efforts, "trying to tilt the Seattle City Council elections in their favor."

This comes after Amazon made a million-dollar donation Tuesday to the Settle Chamber of Commerce political action committee called the Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy, or CASE.

The huge donation puts the spotlight on the core battle in the council this year: business versus labor.

"We're not trying to dictate the makeup of the council. We're just trying to communicate with voters that they have a choice," said Executive Director Markham McIntyre.

Earlier this year, Amazon also contributed $400,000 to CASE and that brings the total to more than $1.4 million in all.

Business-backed CASE is supporting candidates thought to be more conservative. Out of seven candidates it supports, only Debora Juarez currently sits on the council.

Warren also stated in the tweet, "I'm with the Seattle council members and activists who continue standing up to Amazon."

According to a report from the Associated Press, Warren has vowed to avoid any "fancy receptions or big money fundraisers only with people who can write the big checks." Her focus has been a grassroots campaign.

In August, Warren spoke for about an hour at the Seattle Center where thousands were in attendance, and she aimed at big business with a progressive message of change. "Giant oil companies that want to drill everywhere," Warren told the crowd. "Just not for the rest of us who see climate change bearing down on us."

As for Amazon, it said in a statement to KIRO 7, "We believe it is critical that our hometown has a city council that is focused on pragmatic solutions to our shared challenges in transportation, homelessness, climate change and public safety."

Amazon has expanded its role in local politics, ever since it successfully pressured the city council last year to repeal an employee head tax before it took effect.

Information from the Associated Press was used in this report.

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