Employees at Elysian Brewing rally during contract negotiations with Anheuser-Busch

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SEATTLE — Employees at Elysian Brewing and their union rallied Saturday in the hopes of calling attention to stalled contract negotiations with parent company Anheuser-Busch.

The rally was an escalation after months of failed negotiations.

“We finally got to the table with the company in December,” said Paul Dascher, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 117, the union that represents employees. “They’ve drug their feet until now.”

Anheuser-Busch purchased Elysian Brewing in 2015. Teamsters Local 117 stepped in as the employees’ union last summer and have been negotiating their next contract.

“We’ve had lots of proposals going back and forth,” Dascher said. “We still don’t have anywhere near an agreement that we can fully recommend nor ratify.”

Employees and union representatives said issues include retirement benefits, union honoring rights and competitive wages.

“They’re just not willing to give us what we’re worth,” said Shannon Mullins, Quality Lead at Elysian Brewing. “They’re just acting like we’re a bunch of hourly hired hands, that what we do isn’t important or technical or difficult work.”

KIRO reached out to officials with Elysian Brewing and with Anheuser-Busch but has not received a response to employee concerns.

Union representatives said, if all else fails, a strike is not off the table.

“It’s very possible,” Dascher said.

For now, employees hope Saturday’s rally sends a message to the company.

“Everyone here can see us,” Mullins said. “Everyone is honking for us, is showing support.”