Expensive Seattle Council race may bring little change

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Amazon's $1.5 million captured the attention, but Seattle business-oriented political action committees spent upwards of $4 million on city council races overall.

On election night the results were mixed -- three of the business-backed candidates were leading- three were trailing and one was in a virtual tie.

We spoke with Don Blakeney, vice president of the Downtown Seattle Association.

"A lot was said, a lot of money was spent but did anything really change? You know I think the sentiment changed, I think you see no real clear direction except people want their government to work," Blakeney said.

Socialist City Council Member Kshama Sawant was a prime target of the business spending on council races.

She was down 8.4 % on election night and barely gained half a point in today's returns.

But business-backed Jim Pugel lost ground in today's numbers -- his lead now down to just 20 votes over Andrew Lewis.

Heather Weiner is a political consultant for a progressive political action group.

"I think the council is actually going to be a little bit more progressive than it was in 2018. And here's why. You're replacing people like Bruce Harrell with Tammy Morales who is much more to the left of Bruce. We're going to be seeing people like probably Andrew Lewis replacing Sally Bagshaw. He's at least from my perspective more progressive."

Business groups now ready to work with whoever's on the council.

"I think we're looking forward to getting back to work with the city. This council I think has a mandate to get back to the business of running the city and running the basics," Blakeney said.