
Family says thieves stole life savings from 92-year-old on Thanksgiving


OLYMPIA, Wash. — On Thanksgiving Day, Buddy left his Northwest Olympia home to spend time with family. When he got back, he said his side door was open and his life savings were gone.

“I thought that Thanksgiving was a day that people spent time with their family and give thanks back to things you’re grateful for. Somebody took away what he was grateful for and what he’s been working his whole life for,” said Chantel Fas-Quinones, Buddy’s great-granddaughter.

The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office said three safes were stolen from the Cooper Point Road home between noon and 4 p.m. Nov. 22.

Deputies said an undetermined amount of cash was inside, but Buddy’s family said it was more than $100,000.

“He’s been saving this money for his grandkids and for his kids for when he passes away. I mean, this is their life savings that they’re going to get, and now it’s gone,” said Fas-Quinones.

Buddy’s family said he is scared for his safety. He’s a World War II veteran and a former firefighter.

“They wanted money, that’s all,” said Buddy.

Buddy’s family said he’s missing two medium-sized SentrySafes, one black and one white. The family is also missing a keylock box and seven boxes that were stored in the attic.

If you have information, call the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office.

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