
Federal Way police investigate mother's claims her toddler was injured at day care


FEDERAL WAY, Wash. — Update, March 25, 2019

The Federal Way Police Department said it has completed its investigation into the mother's allegations.

Kurt E. Schwan, Commander - Administrative Services with Federal Way PD sent the following statement to KIRO 7.

"On 03/06/19, Chelsey Cooper reported that her 2 year old daughter had her braids pulled from her scalp while at Child Time Daycare, in Federal Way.  Cooper posted a picture of the child’s bare scalp depicting three of her detached braids on Facebook, which caused a social media frenzy.  Cooper told  KIRO 7 News that the daycare and law enforcement were not investigating what happened to her daughter.  That statement was incorrect.  The Federal Way Police Department had opened an investigation and referred it to our Criminal Investigations Section as well as Child Protective Services (CPS).  Cooper also reported that her child disclosed to her that a classmate caused the injury, however she expressed doubt that a child would have enough strength to pull the braids from the child’s scalp.

"Child Time Daycare is equipped with video surveillance for safety and security issues.  The video is maintained on an off-site server to which the employees do not have access.  Federal Way Police detectives conducted a thorough investigation and reviewed hours of surveillance video footage from the day Cooper’s child allegedly sustained her injuries at the daycare.   At the completion of the investigation, it was determined that Cooper’s daughter was not assaulted by any child or adult at the daycare facility.  The surveillance video clearly depicts the child playing with and pulling on her own braids as one of them slowly detaches from her scalp.

"This case has been closed."

Original story:

Federal Way police are investigating after a mother claims her toddler came home injured from a day care.

That day care is called 'Childtime' and is the same facility in Federal Way that KIRO 7 covered in 2017 when another child was found wandering off alone.

Chelsy Cooper told KIRO 7 that on Wednesday when she picked up her 2-year-old daughter, Chyna, from Childtime, she noticed injuries that weren’t there that morning.

The injuries that included rows of braids that Cooper said were pulled from her scalp and a cut to her lips.

“There was no report given to me, there was no call given to me, there was nothing,” said Cooper. “The most hurtful part about this is that Chyna told me that she was screaming.”

In May 2017, KIRO 7 reported on another 2-year-old girl who walked away from that same Childtime facility  through an unlocked gate and was wandering near a busy road.

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Fortunately, a driver found her and she was not hurt.

Back then, the day care said it was working to reinforce the fence latch.

Thursday, we went to Childtime to ask about this latest incident. The staff referred us to their corporate office, who sent us this statement:

<em>"We take our responsibility as caregivers very seriously. During the school day, we did not observe anything to suggest that a child's hair had been pulled, or see any indication that protocols were not followed. This concern was brought to our attention last night. Our leadership team is thoroughly reviewing this matter, and we will take all appropriate actions based on the findings. Nothing is more important to us than our children's wellbeing."</em>

<em>-Lydia Cisaruk Director of Communication – Childtime</em>

Federal Way police confirmed to KIRO 7 that that they are now investigating Cooper's claim.

This mother of three said for now she's keeping her youngest daughter at home -- for her peace of mind.

“I am doing my best as I can for this not to happen. I cannot let this happen and be ignored,” said Cooper.