
Five counties approved to move into second phase of reopening plan

OLYMPIA, Wash. — A week after Gov. Jay Inslee announced his four-phase plan of reopening Washington state, five smaller counties have been approved to move into the next phase of the plan.

Phase 1 of Inslee’s plan started Tuesday, but the governor said Friday during a news conference that the state has received applications from several smaller counties to go to the next step of the plan.

Washington State Secretary of Health John Wiesman approved variances for Columbia, Garfield, Lincoln, Ferry and Pend Oreille counties to move into Phase 2 of Inslee's reopening plan early.

“We recognize COVID-19 is impacting some parts of our state in different ways and some counties will be ready to move forward earlier than others,” Wiesman said. “While recognizing that reality, we set cautious, thorough requirements for counties that want to apply for a variance. Each of the counties approved to enter Phase 2 has demonstrated strong planning and capability in the areas necessary to protect public health in their communities.”

Businesses in the counties approved to move into Phase 2 must wait to reopen until guidance has been released for their industry on how to keep workers and the public safe.

The counties must comply with all health and safety requirements outlined in that guidance to reopen.

Applications from Skamania, Kittitas and Wahkiakum counties are pending and getting reviewed.

“In making these decisions, we’re using science and data,” Inslee said. “We assume other counties will follow and we will continue to use criteria based on science.”

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