
Forensic sketch released for man’s remains found in Bremerton last year

Sketch from Bremerton remains released A forensic facial sketch of a man whose badly decomposed body was found in Bremerton was released on Thursday in the hopes that he can be identified. (Kitsap County Medical Examiner’s Office)
(Kitsap County Medical Examiner’s Office)

BREMERTON, Wash. — A forensic facial sketch of a man whose badly decomposed body was found in Bremerton has been released in the hopes that he can be identified.

A Thursday news release from the Kitsap County Medical Examiner’s Office said the remains were discovered in an area known to be occupied by homeless people near Auto Center Way and Harlow Drive on Oct. 21, 2022.

No identification was found on or near the remains. An autopsy was performed and no identifying scars, marks, tattoos, or medical devices could be found.

The body was wearing blue pants with an elastic waist, and brown leather low-top, lace-up shoes. Glasses were also found near the body, but it is not known if they belonged to the dead person.

The Kitsap County ME’s office worked with a state forensic anthropologist at the King County Medical Examiner’s Office to create a description of the person: a man, with possible Asian or Indigenous heritage, who was between 27 and 61 years old — with an age of 40 to 60 years old most likely — who was about 5 feet, 6 inches tall.

Anyone who knew someone who looks similar to the sketch, fits the description, and hasn’t been seen or heard from since Oct. 2022 is asked to call the Kitsap County Medical Examiner’s Office at 360-731-6843 and refer to case #221021-754.