Former SPD officer fired for controversial comments that sparked international outrage speaks out

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SEATTLE — For the first time since former Seattle Police officer Dan Auderer was fired for his controversial comments caught on body camera video during a response in January of 2023 he is speaking out about his termination.

Auderer’s comments ‘She was 26 anyway. She had limited value,’ sparked international outage and calls for his termination from the public. Auderer was fired by Interim Police Chief Sue Rahr in July and Rhar says the reason for Auderer’s termination was the impact his comments made toward SPD.

He addressed his firing, the comments made, as well as his tort claim against the city of Seattle for $20 million to conservative talk show host Jason Rantz on KTTH Monday.

“It was not only my career, but it was a way of life for me,” Auderer said.

Auderer doubled down that the comments he made on that night in 2023 were taken out of context and that he was never mocking Kandula’s death.

“Absolutely not. I spent too much time and seen way too many things to mock anyone’s death and I am horrified that her family is continually pounded by this story. It weighs on me and it’s something that will never ever go away in my soul,” Auderer said.

Auderer is also claiming he was terminated due to his high position with the Seattle Police Officers Guild. Auderer serves as the union’s vice president. He believes the Office of Police Accountability and Seattle Community Police Commission spear headed the video being released and the investigation into his conduct.

“It became evident very quickly that it was an attack on the union, and we are going to prove that,” Auderer said to Rantz.

KIRO 7 reached out to the OPA and CPC for comment. We are still waiting for a response. KIRO 7 also reached out to SPOG President Mike Solan, who was on the other end of the phone call with Auderer caught on camera. He has not returned our request for comment.