
F.X. McRory's closes, hopes to move to new location


SEATTLE — F.X. McRory’s in Seattle’s Pioneer Square celebrated its final last call over the weekend, but owner Mick McHugh promised it's not goodbye and says he is searching for a new permanent home.

FX McRory’s is closing its doors because the building needs to undergo a seismic retrofit to bring it up to earthquake code.

Dave Ek was first in line for F.X. McRory's final day.

“I was on vacation and I found out the last call was going to be today and I was like, I gotta go to it,” Ek said.

The landmark bar and restaurant has sat on the corner of South King Street and Occidental Avenue for 40 years. For many, it is synonymous with Seattle sports. And like the Sonics, people like Ek are mourning the loss.

“Another piece of old Seattle is going to the wayside,” Ek added.

It didn't take long for the place to fill up, with long-time customers taking their own trips down memory lane..

“It was back in the day,” Deandra Bishop reminisced.

She and Chuck Jarrett’s love story began at F.X. McRory's in November 1983. It was the beginning of a 12-hour first date, which included a Seahawks loss.

“I just remember we got badly beaten,” Bishop said.

As you can see, their date turned out a whole lot better. The couple married in 1985.

“Nostalgic. Really special day memories,” Bishop and Jarrett said.

Last call at F.X. McRory’s also happened to be Jarrett’s 71st birthday.

“Life is a journey not a destination,” Jarrett said, “Not we are going to get there, just going along and next thing we're on a different road.”

Owner McHugh promised the journey isn't over yet.

“We're going to keep the beat going,” McHugh said.

But as workers poured the last drinks and took the final orders, McHugh admitted it is bittersweet having to say goodbye to their home for the last four decades.

“Forty years. It's been fabulous,” McHugh said. “We love this neighborhood, and we're looking at it like we're moving.”

McHugh said he is eyeing a couple of spots for the sports bar’s new location just a couple of blocks away in Pioneer Square.

McHugh hopes to have the new F.X. McRory's up and running before the Seahawks season begins.

So, the memories aren't over yet. They're just on hold for now.