
Escaped African cat reunited with owners, Gig Harbor police say


GIG HARBOR, Wash. — Note: The video in this was made when the cat was missing

An escaped African cat has been reunited with his owners, according to the Gig Harbor Police Department.

"The cat was safely recovered Wednesday night and has been reunited with the owners," the police department wrote in a tweet.

The animal, a serval named Tango, escaped Sunday and officials said it wasn't the first time he wandered away.

When Tango escaped two years ago, his owners told KIRO 7 that people who spotted him thought he was a wild cat.

"His size is intimidating. “There was a report that there was a cougar in the area. They thought he was a cougar, a bobcat,” said owner Sal'An Weyer.

Tango is 40 pounds, 3 feet long and 2-1/2 feet tall.

His owners say Tango may hiss and bare his teeth at strangers, but is declawed and doesn't bite.