
Halloween 'grinch' caught vandalizing decorations


A man was caught on surveillance camera destroying Halloween displays at two South Tacoma homes and neighbors believe the same man is responsible.

The vandalism happened Saturday and Sunday morning at two homes on the same Tacoma street.

In the video, the man cuts the electrical cords and then runs away.

The man Alexander McKenzie believes vandalized his Halloween decorations Sunday morning could be called the "grinch who tried to steal Halloween."

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McKenzie showed how the man cut the cords to the decorations.

"And he's up there cutting the wires," he said.

And he's doing it on the roof and on McKenzie's front door.

"Everything," he said, "everything's cut."

After McKenzie posted his video on Facebook, a neighbor who lives 2 miles away also on South Tyler Street sent a video of her own. She said she believes the same man cut the electrical cords to their Halloween decorations just before 7 a.m. Saturday.

Their videos have been shared so many times, someone believes they know who the man is. They say they have seen photos of him decrying Halloween.

"You can have your opinion about stuff but go protest," said McKenzie. "Don't destroy somebody's stuff."

McKenzie says he has shared what they found out with Tacoma Police.  He says he's out of a couple hundred dollars' worth of electrical cords and decorations. Plus there's his peace of mind.

"There's people sleeping in those bedrooms up there you know," he said. "What's he going to do next?"

McKenzie says he put the Halloween decorations on the roof because someone vandalized their Christmas decorations last year, too.

And he installed the surveillance camera. Now he hopes that camera will be the key to helping the authorities nab him and put a stop to this.