
Helicopters and aircraft called in after Clallam County wildfire spreads to estimated 85 acres


CLALLAM COUNTY, Wash. — A smoke investigation quickly turned into a massive wildfire in Clallam County on Saturday.

Clallam County Fire District 2 reported that around 11:45 a.m., fire units were sent to investigate smoke near Joyce Access Road off Highway 101. Firefighters said the smoke was quickly upgraded to a wildfire and was at first estimated to be around three to five acres.

Clallam 2 units got there and found a fire burning in slash on the ground from land that was previously cleared and spreading into the woods. Firefighters said because of the size of the fire, the terrain, and having limited resources, crews weren’t able to get completely around the fire. Clallam 2 asked for help from Clallam 4 and the Port Angeles Fire Department. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources was also notified and responded.

Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue said management was turned over to the WA DNR as the fire continued to spread. A Type 3 Incident Management Team was also called in.

Aircraft and helicopters arrived to help slow the speed of fire as it spread up the steep slopes.

“Helicopters were dropping water as well as two Super Scooper aircraft dipping out of Lake Crescent. There were also several retardant drops along the ridge to protect homes in the southern part of Eden Valley,” said Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue.

Later in the evening, Clallam 2 and Port Angeles Fire crews started focusing on protecting Eden Valley and Clallam County homes. Clallam County Fire District 4 supplied water for WA DNR crews on the fire line.

Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue said the fire reached around 85 acres as of 8 p.m. on Friday, but crews said that might change when a more accurate mapping can be done and the fire that spread during the night can be traced.

WA DNR has taken over management of the fire and resources from Clallam County FD 4 and Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue are assisting them on Sunday.