
Home invaders allegedly steal guns, assault person in Olympia


OLYMPIA, Wash. — The search is on for two men accused of an armed home invasion a block away from capital campus in Olympia.

Police say this happened around 9 a.m. Thursday morning off of Sylvester Street SW. Police say two men broke into a home, stole multiple fire arms and assaulted someone before getting away.

Neighbors off camera tell KIRO7 detectives were there for hours.

“It makes me kind of wonder if there is something more than a simple assault going on. But, who knows,” one neighbor told KIRO7.

Some people who live near by also told KIRO7 off camera this sort of crime is very rare for their neighborhood. Others say while it is a first, they aren’t shocked by it.

“And while this is a super safe neighborhood, it’s just that people are getting away with crazy stuff and they keep doing more and more of it because of that,” she told KIRO7.

Detectives have shared photos of the two suspects, as well as the vehicle they believe they got away in. The two were last seen off of 14th Avenue and Jefferson Street, which is less than a mile away from where the home invasion took place. It’s not clear how many weapons were

If you have any information about where the two suspects may be, you are urged to call 911. But if you have other information about the case, you are encouraged to reach out to Detective Jacob Theis at 360-709-2786 or jtheis@ci.olympia.wa.us.