
Homeless suspect in violent bat attack near El Corazon released from jail on personal recognizance


SEATTLE — KIRO 7 has learned the homeless man accused of a violent baseball bat attack near El Corazon nightclub in Seattle, that left a man unable to speak, has been released from jail on his own personal recognizance and ordered to undergo substance use treatment, according to King County prosecutors.

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Lonnie Sanderson, who was arrested in August after a warrant was issued for his arrest in connection to the November 2018 attack, was released early Wednesday after spending 10 days in the King County Jail, according to jail records.

Prosecutors said they asked the courts to keep bail set at $75,000 during Sanderson's arraignment on Monday but King County Superior Court Judge Veronica Alicea-Galvan ordered he be released on his own personal recognizance and sent to Enhanced CCAP.

Enhanced CCAP is a King County Community Corrections program that provides structured substance use treatment and Moral Reconation Therapy.

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It will be Sanderson's responsibility to show up to the required, supervised treatment on his own and check in with a case worker, according to prosecutors, who said he is not required to stay at the center around the clock.

KIRO 7 reported in April that Sanderson was wanted in connection to the attack. Police initially arrested Sanderson for "false reporting" in November following the alleged attack but he was released from jail shortly after. Prosecutors say Sanderson failed to appear in Seattle Municipal Court in January in connection to that charge.

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KIRO 7 has covered the recovery of Sanderson's alleged victim, Ryan Georg, who is an Army veteran. He suffered severe head injuries in the baseball bat attack that left him unable to speak – Georg has had to re-learn how to speak and said he still suffers from seizures, a speech impediment and vertigo.

Georg made some remarks to people at a homeless encampment outside the El Corazon nightclub in Seattle back in November, according to charging papers, that state a group of five to 10 homeless people, including Sanderson, then started following Georg and his family.

Charging papers say Sanderson was carrying a bat that he used in the attack that left Georg with skull fractures.

KIRO 7 reached out to Judge Veronica Alicea-Galvan Wednesday afternoon to request a statement on Sanderson's conditional release. A King County Superior Court spokesperson said, "We cannot provide comment outside the court hearing," and told us we could request a copy of the court hearing Thursday when the clerk's office reopened.