
King County awards coronavirus relief grants to local science, arts organizations

KING COUNTY, Wash. — King County gave out $2 million in grants to local science, arts and culture organizations affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The grants are meant to ease the economic burden for places that rely on visitors and tourists to survive.

"We must do everything possible to help our small businesses and arts and cultural organizations emerge from the crisis alive, well, and ready to put thousands of people back to work," said King County Executive Dow Constantine.

The funding came from the federal CARES act. Sixty-two grants were awarded in total to music venues, arts and culture education organizations and science organizations.

The Pacific Science Center Foundation, Museum of Flight and and Century Ballroom were among the recipients.

“I couldn’t be more grateful for the support from King County, nor could it have come at a better time. All music and nightlife venues need right now is financial support, pure and simple,” said Hallie Kuperman of Century Ballroom.

The funds can be used to reimburse costs between March and December, including payroll, rent and healthcare insurance.

The money can also be used for public health measures that would allow the businesses to reopen.

See the full list of recipients here.

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