Local businesses struggling over fears of coronavirus

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SEATTLE — Businesses throughout the region are struggling over fears of the coronavirus. Some of them, especially in Seattle's Chinatown International District, are worried they won't make it.

“We drop down a lot of business. I think about 70% since from coronavirus,” said Wendy Huang who works at Fortune Garden Restaurant on South King and Maynard Ave.

Huang said that normally, the tables in the restaurant would be packed with a lunch crowd.

A few doors down on South King, Sizzling Pot King has shifted to “to go only.” The owners said that’s one way to stay open, since customers aren’t coming in and opting for deliveries instead.

Restaurants in the CID, like Honey Court Seafood, started seeing a downturn a month ago. Their business was cut in half due to misconceptions and discrimination about the coronavirus. And now that cases are being reported locally, it's only gotten worse.

“Very slow. Especially these couple of days way worse, At least 90%,” explained Peter Zeng, who works at Honey Court.

One group of friends made it a point to have lunch at Honey Court.

“That's definitely something that's been on my mind personally. I feel like if we don't support these businesses, if they drop or if they close down, they probably won't reopen again,” said June Hwang.

“If we can help out in that way, then it’s important to be able to do that,” added Sara Heffny.

If not, folks like Huang are worried. Her hours have already been cut. And she’s holding out hope, that people will return before it’s too late.

“I just want people to know, don't be afraid go to Chinatown. We got nothing in here. We still open for business. We still okay. We still safe,” said Huang.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan also announced measures to help small businesses right now. It includes deferring B&O taxes and utility payments. She has also created a COVID-19 Small Business Recovery Task Force.