
Man pleads return of work truck stolen at Red Lion Inn in Auburn

An Oregon man is pleading for the return of his work truck, which was stolen from a hotel parking lot in Auburn earlier this week.

“We call it the war wagon. It’s big, it’s ugly, but it gets the job done,” Jaycob Perkins said.

Perkins spoke to KIRO 7 via Skype from his home in Canby, Oregon.

He’s at a loss ever since his truck and all of his tools were stolen from a parking lot at the Red Lion Inn in Auburn. The truck is his livelihood, and this leaves him unable to work and provide for his family.

“It's what puts food on the table. It does the towing I need, hauls all the materials, hauls all the tools,” he explained.

He was in town for a construction job. He checked into his hotel room and parked in the front lot Wednesday night. When he woke up the next morning, the truck was gone.

“Feeling violated. Everything that makes a living, makes us be able to stay in our home is gone,” said wife, Bree Rux.

Rux is a full time student who is currently recovering from surgery. They have three young kids; twin 8-month-old babies and a 4-year-old.

“We're hanging in there. Trying to stay positive, so what can you do?” Perkins added.

Perkins estimates the cost of the truck and all the tools at about $25,000. But it's not just what was stolen. He's also losing out on work.

“They’re having to find other people. I’m out thousands and thousands of dollars, so no truck, no work,” Perkins said.

KIRO 7 has also learned police are investigating five car break-ins at the Red Lion Inn in Auburn on Saturday morning. They don’t believe the break-ins are related to Perkins’ stolen truck. No suspects have been arrested in any of those cases.

This is the second time this year something like this has happened. Thieves stole tools from Perkins’ truck on New Year’s Day. He eventually recovered those. But after a streak of bad luck, he’s now hoping the thief does the right thing.

“Honestly, I hope the guy who stole it just sees it and gives my stuff back,” he said.

But he's not holding his breath for that. So he's left trying to figure out his next step to support his family.

If you want to help, go to >> https://www.gofundme.com/f/1vd7syp1dc?utm.

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