Mayor postpones Seahawks rally after speculation of national anthem protest

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Doug Baldwin stretches during warmups before a preseason NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings. Baldwin said "our team will honor the country and flag in a pregame demonstration of unity." 

DuPont Mayor Mike Courts says don’t blame him for canceling a city-sponsored Seahawks rally. Blame players for what he calls “organized disrespect for our nation’s symbol.”

“I did not bring politics to the football field,” Courts said Friday.

Courts said he called off the third annual rally over players' claims they plan to protest during the national anthem.

Since Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the anthem several weeks ago, calling it a protest of police violence against African Americans, other players have followed suit.

Seahawks defensive back Jeremy Lane sat through the national anthem last week and said he'll do it again.

Wide receiver Doug Baldwin said he was considering doing the same, but reports Friday claim he says he will honor country and flag at Sunday's first regular season game, which is on the 15th anniversary of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

When Courts decided to call off a city-sponsored Seahawks rally, he didn't expect backlash.  But he’s heard some angry outcries, along with support.

“It’s about 50/50,” he said at a news conference. "I am either the spawn of Satan or their hero.”

Courts, a retired Army colonel, says he stands by his decision even though he calls himself an original Seahawks fan.

“I was at the Pentagon on 9/11, so that’s very dear to me. This was a very hard decision for me to make. But I had to weigh my love of the Seahawks versus what I think was the right thing to do for my city.”

Courts said another rally could be scheduled later in the season.

This is the text of Courts’ full letter:

Residents and Businesses of DuPont,

Community's foundation on many levels is unity. DuPont is a strong, united community and part of a number of larger communities including the United States of America. Right now, we are struggling as a community to balance social justice with criminal justice while trying to find lasting solutions to those issues without vitriol or violence. While unpleasant, the discord we endure today means our community has passion. Resolution without passion rarely leads to long lasting healing. Currently, some members of our community, our athletes, and specifically NFL players including at least one member of our beloved Seahawks, are passionately trying to raise awareness to the state of social justice. Freedom of speech is a tenet of our community, and not honoring our flag is our right. But free speech is not without cost: words and actions mean things and are often times interpreted in a way not intended.  While I respect the right of NFL players to express themselves, they must also respect the fact that their actions are hurtful to the community. As I said before, we need to find answers without violence or vitriol. So, until we as a community can find ways to talk and work together, the City of DuPont will not take sides by offering official support of the Seahawks, NFL, or individual players.

With this in mind, as your Mayor, in consultation with the City Staff, I have decided to indefinitely postpone the Third Annual Seahawks Rally scheduled for Saturday, 10 September. I believe the controversy surrounding the potential protest at the Seahawk game makes it inappropriate to commit City resources to an activity that may be misunderstood or prove offensive to a large number of our residents. This does not mean that I or the City do not support the causes being championed, we simply do not support the protest actions being contemplated.

The other activities scheduled for Saturday remain as planned. We will have a grand opening of the Dog Park in Powder Works Park with vendors a BBQ and follow-up with a public presentation and discussion about the ongoing effort to secure Advanced Life Support capabilities for DuPont.

Mike Courts

Mayor, DuPont


