DEMING, Wash. — A woman is recovering in the hospital after falling more than 100 feet at Racehorse Falls in Whatcom County.
On Tuesday firefighters from Whatcom County Fire District 14 got a 911 call around 2 p.m. from an injured woman who had fallen at Racehorse Falls.
When crews arrived they found a woman who had fallen between 30 to 40 feet straight down before tumbling an additional 60 feet down a slippery slope and landing in a pool of water 15 feet from land.
According to Whatcom County Fire District 14, the woman was able to get herself back to the water’s edge, pull herself out and call for help.
“She is extraordinarily lucky to have survived a fall like this,” Assistant Chief David Moe said. “Fortunately, her backpack with her phone landed nearby, and she was able to get it.”
The woman, who was hiking alone, fell from where the unmanaged trail ended.
Whatcom County Fire crews arrived 40 minutes after the call and had to rappel down the cliff to reach the injured woman.
Once on the ground, the crew placed the woman in a litter and lifted her out of the canyon.
Using a wheeled litter, the woman was moved about a 1/3 of a mile down the trail to an awaiting ambulance.
The Bellingham Fire Department took the woman with serious injuries to PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center in Bellingham for care.
“We are truly fortunate to be able to live and work in a place with such a wonderous outdoors to explore,” Moe said. “Please be careful out there. Hike with a partner if possible, tell someone where you’re going and when you’re planning on coming back, and read the posted signs.”