
More federal money coming to replace culverts

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg visited Western Washington on Thursday to announce that new federal money is coming for projects to improve fish passage.

Buttigieg said the federal government just opened applications for $1 billion in federal grants to remove and replace culverts over the next five years.

Buttigieg visited a project outside Hobart and says more money is coming from the infrastructure law to help with similar projects removing structures that block fish.

Washington is under a court order to restore 90% of blocked salmon habitat by 2030, a project the state estimates will cost nearly $4 billion.

That’s why fish passage is a big part of the state transportation budget.

Lawmakers allocated $2.4 billion in the last legislative session.

“We come today as we near the end of the season when the salmon are running with enormous hope for the seasons ahead,” Buttigieg said.

In addition to the state’s aging culverts, there are many more owned by counties, and they are likely to compete for the new federal grants.

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