
More people showing up at free citizenship clinics in Seattle


Citizenship clinics in Seattle are now seeing more people showing up to get free legal assistance.

Organizers say this comes as they are seeing growing concerns over the current immigration policies by the Trump administration.

“In the last two years we have seen increases in calls, increases in attendance,” said Christina Guros, citizenship policy and program specialist with the city of Seattle. “People want to know their rights. They want to know what they are eligible for.”

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Today’s clinic took place at the SouthPark Community Center. The city of Seattle now holds one per month where on average about 30 to 50 people sign up.

Volunteers at these events include attorneys who are donating their time to help legal residents fill out their citizenship applications.

One of the people who showed up today for help is Veronica Martinez. She said she wants to become a citizen to help sponsor other family members. She also wants to solidify her status in this country she’s called home since getting her green card more than 30 years ago.

“Once you become a U.S. citizen, you will be more relaxed, more calm and get more benefits,” said Martinez.

Organizers say another reason for higher interest is local immigrants wanting the rights to cast their ballots in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

The problem: The average wait time to get these applications approved could be up to a year, or more.

“That's one of the biggest asks right now is that immigration pushes down that backlog, so we can get people to vote,” said Guros.

At the clinic, all the information collected will remain confidential and organizers want people to feel safe coming for legal advice pertaining to their immigration status.

By the way, the cost to file a U.S. citizenship application is around $700. Eligible applicants can apply for financial help.

The next citizenship clinic is happening July 20 at the Bitter Lake Community Center.

For more information on this program, go to www.newcitizencampaign.org.