More than 1 million Washingtonians activate COVID-19 exposure app

OLYMPIA, Wash. — More than 1 million Washingtonians have enabled WA Notify, a coronavirus exposure app, in the first four days of the technology going live statewide, state officials said Friday.

On Monday, the state joined more than a dozen states that have already enlisted the use of smartphone technology in the ongoing effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

More Washington residents opted in within the first 24 hours than any other state using this technology, the state said.

On Friday morning, the number of phones with WA Notify is more than 19% of the number of Washington adults.

“Opting into exposure notification is something almost every Washington resident with a smartphone can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19, so we are gratified to see so many people adopting it quickly,” said Secretary of Health John Wiesman. “If you haven’t activated WA Notify yet, please consider doing so. Studies from Oxford University and Stanford show that the more people who use a tool like WA Notify, the more effectively it will protect our communities.”

The app is free. People with iPhones can enable the ‘exposure notifications’ feature that is already in their phone’s settings, and Android devices can download the app, called WA Notify.

Use of the app is voluntary and users can opt out at any time.

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The Associated Press contributed to this story.