More than 10K Seattle Housing Authority residents will receive free unlimited-fare ORCA cards

SEATTLE — Residents living in Seattle Housing Authority-owned and managed housing will now have an easier time getting around the Puget Sound region.

On Tuesday, Mayor Bruce Harrell and the Seattle Department of Transportation announced a new partnership with SHA to distribute free unlimited-use ORCA cards to more than 10,000 residents in affordable housing.

“This new partnership between the Seattle Department of Transportation and the Seattle Housing Authority to offer adult SHA residents free access to public transportation throughout our region opens up the world to entire families as well as seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and others living in SHA communities,” said Rob Brandon, SHA executive director. “Most of those we serve have to make difficult choices on how to spend limited budgets. Now they can get to jobs, school, medical appointments, the grocery store and other important activities without worrying about the cost.”

This partnership between a low-income housing program and an accessible public transit initiative is the first of its kind at this scale in the United States, according to SDOT.

The unlimited-ride ORCA cards are set to expire on Dec. 31, 2026.