
Murder charges filed in fatal shooting of 27-year-old man near Nathan Hale High School


SEATTLE — Charges were filed Wednesday against the man accused of shooting and killing another man near Nathan Hale High School in Seattle last Wednesday.

Kajali Camara, 19, was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree assault for the April 5 shooting of 27-year-old Anthoni Orozco.

According to probable cause documents, a teenage girl who dated Camara for about two weeks beginning in March told police that Camara had posted “intimate videos of their relationship” on a social media site. The girl could not contact Camara to take the videos down because he had blocked her on all social media accounts.

Two other teen witnesses told police that they drove to Nathan Hale High School on the evening of April 5 with Orozco and the teenage girl, with the intention to meet Camara and confront him regarding the intimate videos. Orozco had been dating the teenage girl’s sister. The four of them got out of their car and walked a path to the high school.

When Camara arrived, he thought he was only meeting with one of the other teen witnesses and not the teenage girl he had dated. According to documents, Camara became “enraged” when he saw her and said something to the effect of, “I’m not doing this today,” before pulling out a gun.

Seconds later, Orozco stepped between Camara and the teenage girl, held up both of his hands and told Camara something to the effect of, “Let’s talk, there’s no need for guns.” According to court documents, Camara shot Orozco in the abdomen seconds later and ran out of the parking lot.

“My son sees them fighting and goes to intervene and then he was shot,” said said Amy Morris-Ehlo, Orozco’s mom. “He was, from what I’ve heard, not confrontational at all, he was trying to dissolve the situation and did not want this young girl being hurt.”

Security video footage from Seattle Public Schools shows a man consistent with Camara’s appearance running from the scene toward Northeast 107th Street.

Orozco died from his injuries the next day.

“I knew when I got the call that my son wasn’t going to live, it was just that, call it mother’s intuition or what it might be … and everybody’s telling you to think positive but it was just something about the way it all happened,” said Morris-Ehlo. “I couldn’t get there fast enough, I couldn’t even really think straight as to what I was going to do.”

On Friday, April 7, Seattle Police Department SWAT officers saw Camara walk out of the Camp Second Chance homeless encampment community in south Seattle and took him into custody. A 9mm pistol was recovered from his sweatpants pocket. The gun had a clear extended magazine that matched a photograph provided to police by the teenage girl Camara had dated.

A records check indicated the gun was stolen.

Prosecutors requested Camara’s bail be set at $2,000,000. He is scheduled to be arraigned on April 26.

Orozco’s family has set up a GoFundMe to help pay for funeral costs and to set up a trust for his daughter. Click here to donate.

“I want people to know that big heart should still be beating and it should still be helping people,” said Morris-Ehlo. “I don’t want people to forget him.”