
Neighbors rally to stop company from cutting down Douglas Fir in Seattle

Neighbors rallying to stop company from cutting down tree

SEATTLE — A new showdown is looming Tuesday night around the potential removal of a large tree in Seattle. A huge Douglas Fir on Northeast 90th in Maple Leaf could be cut down as soon as Thursday.

That’s when new signs say the work could begin. The saws started buzzing Saturday, but neighbors stopped them.

The city then said the company did not give enough advance warning before trying to take the tree down.

Organizers gathered earlier Tuesday night near the Fir to try and come up with new ways to protect it.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because a similar battle is happening just a couple of miles due east of Maple Leaf in Wedgwood. That’s where the fight to save a massive Western Red Cedar is still ongoing.

It was first scheduled to be taken down last month to make room for a housing development. But activists including tree climbers blocked that, winning widespread community support and backing from the Snoqualmie Tribe.