New COVID requirements for higher ed, UW outbreak grows

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Washington state released new requirements for colleges and universities as COVID-19 cases rise.

Gov. Inslee announced on Tuesday there were 35 outbreaks and around 800 COVID-19 cases at colleges and universities in the state.

At the University of Washington, 294 students in the Greek system had tested positive by Tuesday afternoon. This is the second outbreak at the school, after 154 students became sick last summer. They credit testing and isolating sick students with stopping the first outbreak. This time, the cases keep growing, so the state is taking action.

The revised guidelines require students living in congregate housing to wear a mask at all times, unless they are in the room where they sleep. No more than two students are allowed to sleep in the same room, which eliminates the use of sleeping porches in the Greek system. Only five visitors are allowed in one place at a time, and must be masked and socially distanced.

The colleges and universities must help to provide rooms for students who test positive to isolate if they don’t have anywhere else to go.

The additions to the to the higher education proclamation include:

• Mask wearing at all times except inside house sleeping room

• No more than two people per sleeping room - no congregate sleeping porches

• Limited visitation to five people outside of the house at one time (must be masked and physically distanced)

• Only one visitor is allowed in a dorm/sleeping room (must be masked and physically distanced)

• Only five people or visitors at one time in one place (must be masked and physically distanced)

• Colleges must provide isolation and quarantine facilities to Greek system houses, off-campus congregate houses, students living in dorms and personnel if they don’t have a place to go

• For institutions without residential facilities, develop a plan with the relevant health jurisdiction to address the isolation and/or quarantine needs among any of their staff and students who are unable to isolate or quarantine in their usual residence

• All meals must follow current guidance - grab-and-go or single tables

• Suggestions on public safety enforcement agencies partnerships