
New semi tire chain inspections as WSDOT, WSP work to reduce Snoqualmie Pass closures


The Washington State Patrol said troopers will stop semis on eastbound I-90 at Exit 38 near North Bend Tuesday morning to check if drivers heading over Snoqualmie Pass are carrying required tire chains.

Troopers will begin the new commercial vehicle inspections at 8:30 a.m. WSP called it a first in recent years.

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The Washington State Department of Transportation said the inspections are part of a safety push to reduce the number of Snoqualmie Pass closures that includes troopers patrolling to find any driver ignoring chain-up requirements.

If caught, drivers face a $500 fine.

Over the last several years, more than half of I-90 closures on Snoqualmie Pass have been caused by drivers who ignore chain-up requirements and then crash, according to WSDOT.

Traction advisories:

  • Vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or greater – including some large SUVs and RVs – must install chains when traction tires are required.
  • All vehicles, except 4WD and AWD, must put on chains when tire chains are required. However, 4WD and AWD vehicles still need to carry chains in order to proceed across the pass.
  • All vehicles including 4WD and AWD need to put on chains when chains are required on all vehicles.