One of 3 January 2020 downtown Seattle shooting suspects found not guilty of murder, assault

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On Thursday, a jury found one of the three suspects in the January 2020 shooting near Third Avenue and Pine Street in downtown Seattle not guilty of murder and multiple felony assault charges.

Marquise Tolbert was one of three suspects who were charged by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in connection to the shooting that left one woman dead and seven other people injured. Tolbert was charged with one count of first-degree murder and six counts of first-degree assault.

On Friday, Tolbert was sentenced to 48 months for unlawful possession of a firearm for his possession of a .380 caliber handgun during the incident, the prosecuting attorney’s office announced. A judge gave him credit for 947 days, or roughly 31.5 months, time served.

“It’s not right, it’s really not right, that’s all I can say,” said Donella Young, a friend of Tawnya Jackson, who was killed that night. “That’s not lying her to rest.”

“Justice for her, she didn’t deserve none of that, she did not deserve that,” Young said.

Young described Jackson as a protector and a mother figure, and said she misses her.

“She’ll always be remembered, always, she’s always in my thoughts,” Young said. “I love her, I love her and I miss her to death. I hope she’s up there watching my sons.”

William Tolliver, one of the other three suspects, was also charged with first-degree murder, unlawful gun possession and six felony assault charges. His trial date is set for Nov. 7.

The third suspect, Jamel Jackson, was charged with first-degree unlawful possession of a firearm and was sentenced to 16 months in the King County Jail on Aug. 19. At the time of his sentencing, the judge gave Jackson credit for 576 days served.

According to court documents, after the January 2020 shooting, Tolbert and Tolliver fled to Las Vegas, where they were arrested by U.S. Marshals on Feb. 1.