
Outdoor fires prohibited in King County as Stage 2 burn ban issued

A Stage 2 burn ban was issued by King County and Seattle fire marshals on Friday, prohibiting all recreational outdoor fires.

Only approved manufactured gas and charcoal units may be used for outdoor cooking and heating. Residents are asked to use extreme caution when using an open flame.

Under the burn ban, outdoor fires including the burning of residential debris, backyard fire pits and campfires are all prohibited. Anyone who fails to extinguish their recreational fire when ordered to do so faces a possible misdemeanor charge.

The county said that long periods of high temperatures have increased the level of vegetation fueling fires in the region. Large fires in Oregon and other parts of Washington have also stretched firefighting resources.

“The summer months may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean high temperatures and dry conditions are,” said Chris Ricketts, King County Fire Marshal. “Residents of the unincorporated areas — and all of the Puget Sound region, for that matter — should be careful with anything that could cause a fire.”

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