
Over $1.1 million awarded to Washington national parks after ‘record-setting fundraising year’


SEATTLE — Washington’s National Park Fund awarded a record-setting $1.1 million to the state’s three largest national parks on Wednesday.

The funds will support 42 “priority projects” at Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic National Parks.

“It’s quite remarkable yet not surprising based on the generosity of our donors that we were able to fund nearly every project our three park partners requested funds for,” said Laurie Ward, WNPF CEO. “Year after year, more and more people are giving together for the parks, and once again, Washington’s National Park Fund had a record-setting fundraising year.”

WNPF raises funds to support projects at the national parks by collecting donations from individual and corporate donors and fundraising events, as well as the statewide national park license plate program.

Mount Rainier National Park received the largest donation at just under $631,000.

The funds will go towards projects including improvements and maintenance on the Wonderland Trail and developing an online accessible trails guide.