
Parents, students rally to restart school sports in Kent

Parents and students in the state’s fourth-largest school district held a rally on Wednesday, asking the Kent School District to resume sports that have been halted in the pandemic.

“If you truly want to play your sport right now, you know we have to take precautions, and you are willing to take those precautions,” said high school athlete Nate Beck.

In coordination with health experts, the governing body for high school sports gave the go-ahead to start fall sports, such as football, as soon as Feb. 1.

Kent schools are part of a league that applied to start March 1.

The district stated it is working with the coaches’ union on a safe return date, but it won’t be any sooner than Feb. 22.

Football players said that doesn’t give them enough time to condition and practice to play against other teams in the league.

Student-athletes are watching other districts resume conditioning and want the same opportunity.

Students said they’ve been told the district won’t allow sports until in-person classes resume.

KIRO 7 tried to ask school district officials about that, but they never returned the calls.

The Kent School District released the following statement on Jan. 21:

“Recently, WIAA announced Season One sports will begin February 1.

“The Kent School District (KSD) has postponed the start of all high school and middle school athletics. The exact date for Season One has yet to be determined but will be no sooner than February 22, 2021. However, this date is not confirmed and is for planning purposes only. A final decision on a return date will be based on public health guidance, the spread of the virus in our community, and bargaining with our labor partners.

“We are working with athletic directors, coaches, and club advisors to continue extra-curricular activities that can be done remotely.

“KSD recognizes the important role extra-curricular activities like athletics have in students’ growth and development and is continuing to prepare for the safe and healthy implementation of activities in alignment with public health guidelines to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The consideration for a return to limited in-person extra-curricular activities has been and continues to be part of our reopening plans.

“Students and families who are registered and cleared for athletics through FamilyID will receive communication from their building athletic director related to procedures and protocols when athletics and activities do resume in person.

“The situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve with each passing day. Please continue to check our website for the most up to date and accurate information regarding the status of KSD Athletics.

“KSD Leadership is committed to the health and safety of all students and staff. Our commitment to learning is unwavering and our relationship with labor partners remains strong.”

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