
Pike Place Market community member tests positive for coronavirus

SEATTLE — The coronavirus has turned up at Seattle's iconic Pike Place Market.

A “community member” has tested positive. Market officials say they learned about it Saturday. They informed public health officials and began a deep cleaning.

The fact that someone tested positive was news to those at the market Sunday.

It looked like a typical Sunday at this most Seattle of places,; the music, the fish still flying through the air.

But now the Pike Place Market is feeling the effects of the coronavirus.

“It was in a very contained area,” said Mary Bacarella, “which is really great, being the Pike Place area.”

The market’s executive director says they immediately informed those who might have been in close contact. And they deep cleaned the area.

She says no one is in the area now. When asked if it is a place the public could get to, she said, ”None of you would. None of you would. We have lots of different places here that a lot of different people tend to go. But the public would never be in these areas."

New water stations have been installed.

David Steen, who works for Tiny’s Organic, says his employer gave him the option to stay away. But he came to work anyway.

“I used to work as a nurse so it’s a little different,” he said. “I’m pretty well-read in the matter. And it’s not really affecting me.”

Still, most visitors here did not know about the positive test until they were told.

“We’re going to take all of the precautions that we can,” said Christy Beckwith, visiting from Las Vegas. “Wash our hands. Being very careful. Trying to keep some social distance. And still live our lives.”

“No I haven’t changed any behaviors yet,” said Kevin Van Dien, who moved to Seattle a week ago. “I’m trying to pay attention if I think people are sick. But I haven’t seen or heard people coughing or sniffling.”

The person who tested positive and all those who were in close contact are now self-quarantine.

The Pike Place Market is remaining open. But they are asking those who come to wash their hands and keep their distance, to keep everyone safe.

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