Poll: Dem trails close behind Trump-endorsed candidate in district where GOP hasn’t lost in 14 years

A poll published by the Northwest Progressive Institute shows Democratic congressional hopeful Marie Glusenkamp Perez trailing Donald Trump-endorsed Republican Joe Kent by just three percentage points in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District.

In a poll of 834 likely District 3 voters surveyed Sept. 19-20, 44% said they would vote for Glusenkamp Perez and 47% said they would vote for Kent.

Nine percent said they were unsure.

Glusenkamp Perez’s campaign represents one of the strongest Democratic contenders for an upset victory in the 2022 midterm elections, as the 3rd Congressional District hasn’t been won by a Democrat since 2008 when Brian Baird defeated Republican Michael Delavar.

Incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler won the election in 2010 and has represented the district since, but was beat out in her campaign for a fifth term by Glusenkamp Perez and Kent in the August primary.

Thirty-one percent of District 3 voters voted for Glusenkamp Perez in the primary, while about 22.8% voted for Kent. About 22.3% voted for Herrera Beutler — the two Republican candidates were separated by just 1,067 votes.