
Preparations underway for western Washington heat wave this week


This weekend, Seattle’s Green Lake was bustling with thousands of people enjoying time in the sun.

But many say they’ll spend the upcoming week indoors, ahead of a heat wave.

For Katie Issac, beating the heat is simple.

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“I’m staying inside. I’m going from my house in the morning to my work that has AC, then back to AC in the car, and back to the house,” Issac said.

After last year’s deadly heat wave, she decided to invest in an AC unit.

“We went and got the air conditioning unit in the winter, so we’re ready this year. We were not ready last year.”

Air conditioning is a luxury most people in Seattle don’t have — the 2021 census reported that only 44% of Seattle homes had it.

Many without air conditioning rely on fans to stay cool. Malcolm Kennedy works at Stoneway Hardware in Ballard. During heatwaves, fans fly off the shelves.

>>Western Washington cooling shelters

“We go through 20, 30 fans in a day. We get more in stock, and then they go in an hour,” says Kennedy.

While the fan sales are good for business, Kennedy says he’s also aware of climate concerns. And he sees more customers than ever needing an escape from the heat.

“We’re selling double or triple what we were a few years ago,” Kennedy said.

With the very hot and dry weather we are going to have this week there’s risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion, increased heat-related illnesses and wildfires.

Important reminders are to stay hydrated, avoid long exposure in the sun, take frequent rest breaks in the shade or air conditioning, don’t leave pets or people in vehicles, bring pets indoors or provide plenty of shade and water, and check on neighbors and family members.


The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory from Tuesday through Friday for western parts of the state and an excessive heat warning from central to eastern Washington.

A strengthening ridge of high pressure aloft and slowly decreasing onshore wind flow will bring a heat wave to the area. This could be a rather unusual heat wave in that we might not break a single daytime record high on any of the hot days but it’s the duration of the heat that will bring increasing stress and problems for those un-air conditioned.

Monday’s high for Seattle will be in the mid 80s with some upper 80s south of Seattle. Expect low to mid 90s for the Seattle area Tuesday through Friday with some 80s north while 70s will be highs at the coast – the one place to go for relief.

Seattle forecast and records:

Monday: Forecast 86

Tuesday: Forecast 94 – Record high 92 in 2018

Wednesday: Forecast 94 – Record high 96 in 1958

Thursday: Forecast 93 – Record high 98 in 1958

Friday: Forecast 90 – Record high 105 in 2009