
Prepare for traffic grief around Spanaway — multiple long-term road closures start Monday

Road Closed Ahead sign (Jeanne Clark, Seattle Department of Transportation)
(Jeanne Clark, Seattle Department of Transportation)

SPANAWAY, Wash. — Multiple roads in Spanaway will be closed beginning Monday due to a sewer line installation.

Pierce County is installing a new sewer interceptor near state Route 7/Mountain Highway East as a part of a multi-phased project to serve the growing population of south Pierce County.

Starting Monday, access to SR 7 from B Street East and Pirnie Road East will be closed. Drivers should use Field Road East as an alternate route. Work is expected to be completed Nov. 21.

On Wednesday, B Street East between 192nd Street East and 196th Street East will be closed for through traffic. Local traffic and emergency vehicles will still be able to access the road. Work is scheduled to be finished on Dec. 2.

Construction crews will be installing 5,500 feet of sewer interceptor pipes along B Street East to Hidden Village Drive/10th Avenue East, near the Walmart entrance. A sewer interceptor is a major sewer line that receives wastewater flows from multiple collection lines, which is then directed to a wastewater treatment facility or another interceptor.

The project will extend sewer access to properties without it to encourage further development in the Spanaway Basin area and provide capacity relief to other sewer mainlines in the area.

Construction work is estimated to cost about $11.5 million and is funded by revenue from connection charges and monthly sewer rates. The project is anticipated to be completed in July 2023.

The connection between Ellis Lane East and 8th Avenue East will cut across a Pierce County property and easement.

The project will have eight different work zones. Work hours will be six 10-hour days per week, Monday through Saturday. No work will be on observed holidays or on adjacent weekends when the holiday falls on a Friday or Monday.

The next zone will begin in December on 196th Street East between B Street East and Ellis Lane East.

This story was originally published by The News Tribune.