
Presidential primary election taking place Tuesday for Washington

The presidential primary elections are taking place on Tuesday and Washington is one of four states participating.

The King County Elections Office is projecting a 40% voter turnout for this election.

“We are at about 25% turnout thus far for this election. We’re projecting 40% and we believe we’re on track to hit that by the end of the day,” said Halei Watkins, Communications Manager for King County Elections.

On their way to work voters made a quick stop at the ballot drop box.

“Voting is hugely important, and I tell my kids all the time how hugely important it is to vote and I think in this race, it’s particularly important this year,” said Kristen Walker-White.

The presidential primary election is the only time voters need to select a party preference.

“It is only for this election it has no impact on how or if you can vote in the future. In fact your party selection is wiped from your voter record after 60 days,” said Watkins.

In order for your ballot to be counted you must check your party box and sign it, otherwise it won’t be accepted.

This election helps determine who the presidential nominees will be.

“They will take the results of the votes that we count here in this building and then the parties will use those results to determine their delegates to the national convention,” said Watkins.

These results will be certified 10 days from now, on March 22.

“If you don’t vote, your voice isn’t being heard, and in the primary we need to make a statement I think,” said ,” Walker-White.

Your ballot must be postmarked by March 12 if you submit it by mail.

If you drop it off at a ballot box, you have till 8 p.m.