
1 arrest during protest at The Evergreen State College


A man was arrested  during a protest at The Evergreen State College Thursday evening.

Washington State Patrol said the 25-year-old man was arrested for disorderly conduct and this was the only arrest during the demonstration.

A conservative, pro-Trump group protested at The Evergreen State College because they believe that “political correctness and hatred has taken over the campus.”

Joey Gibson, the leader of Patriot Prayer, set his sights on the college after a spike in racial tensions on campus and a threatening call closed the school for days.

KIRO 7 cameras captured several Patriot Prayer protesters taking down a man for having a knife.

Tusitala “Tiny” Toese was among those who jumped into action: “He had his knife open, and he was pointing it at one of our guys, so we put him down and took him to the cops.”

Here’s a short timeline of events:    

  • Protests in May followed a white professor's decision to oppose an event in which organizers asked white students to leave campus for a talk about race. The event was a reversal of the college's longstanding annual "Day of Absence," in which minorities attend programs off campus.
  • Several videos were released on social media showing students screaming and cursing at administrators.
  • Advocates say the "Day of Absence" effort helps increase social awareness, but critics call it divisive.
  • The small college closed in early June for three days because of a non-specific threat made through a 911 call.
  • A man told the dispatch officer, "Yes, I am on my way to Evergreen [College] now with a .44 Magnum. I am going to execute as many people on that campus as I can get a hold of."
  • The events garnered national attention. Scroll down for an expanded read on the college and recent activities.
  • Evergreen moved its venue for graduation in the wake of recent threats directed at the campus.
  • As Patriot Prayer's event looms, the college closed its campus early on Thursday, June 15.

About Patriot Prayer's demonstration 

Patriot Prayer claims on its Facebook event – where nearly 300 people replied they are “interested” in attending – that several students reached out to the group, upset about behavior from some professors and students.

Gibson told KIRO 7 they have been mislabeled as white supremacists.

"I love all people, because they're human. It doesn't matter what the color of their skin is. Ok? And I'm sick of hearing about that," Gibson said. "If we're white supremacists, why do we have more people of color rolling with us than they do? That's what I want to understand. All those people dressed in all black, they're the most whitest (sic) people I've ever met in my life?"

Gibson said he had tried to reach out and shake hands with the other side, but he was then hit in the face with a can of silly string. He said he was also maced.

A student, who did not wish to be identified, told KIRO 7 she came to peacefully protest and help drown out the ‘white supremacists.’

She said she did not believe Gibson’s intent for peaceful conversation: “Because even on a video he recorded prior to this happening, he invited white supremacists to come to this. Therefore, any chance at a peaceful dialogue seems kind of null.”



The demonstrating group wants no more public funding for Evergreen State College, which echoes the call from a Republican state lawmaker to make the school private.

The Evergreen State College posted on its website that it plans to "suspend operations" at 3 p.m. because of a "potential disruption around planned demonstrations by off-campus organizations."




Why Evergreen College made national headlines 

Protests in mid-May started in response to campus police questioning black students, according to a report in the Cooper Point Journal, the college’s student newspaper.

Students said they were protesting institutional racism.

A group of protesters sent the following statement to The Olympian: “What started out as anti-black comments on social media has turned into the dismissal of the rights of students and femmes of color, physical violence by police, and false sentencing of students protesting. Black trans disabled students are actively being sought out and confronted by campus police constantly, police are refusing to explain their actions and harassment. Students will not stand for this anymore, as students of color have never felt comfortable on campus and have not been treated equally.”

Tensions reached a new high after the public airing of an email exchange between school employees over a planned Day of Absence event.

The Day of Absence, based on a play by the same name, dates back to the 1970s at Evergreen. The day is part of two days of race and equity-related events, and in previous years minority students voluntarily left for an off-campus discussion.

This year that event was swapped: White students were asked to leave and minority students remained on campus. But the event had space for 200 students – only a fraction of the roughly 4,800 overall student body, college spokesman Zach Powers said.




Rashida Love, director of the First People’s Multicultural Advising Services program, sent an email asking for some white students to volunteer not to be on campus for the event, to leave the college more open for students of color, Powers said.

Professor Bret Weinstein then sent back an email saying that asking white students to stay off campus is an “act of oppression in and of itself,” the Journal reported.

Some students have since protested Weinstein, calling him racist and asking the administration to fire him. Videos circulated of protesters confronting Weinstein have shown tense and sometimes angry moments. Weinstein has gone on Fox News to talk about the controversy and penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

Love's department released the following statement, along with email exchanges, in early June.

About the call that closed the school in early-June

Police released the threatening and chilling 911 call that closed The Evergreen State College for three days.

College President George Bridges closed campus after receiving the information from police about what they called a non-specific threat. KIRO 7 News obtained the audio.

A man told the dispatch officer, “Yes, I am on my way to Evergreen [College] now with a .44 Magnum. I am going to execute as many people on that campus as I can get a hold of,” the man said. “You have that, what’s going on here, you communist scumbag?”

The call was made from an unknown telephone number to a regular business line at the Thurston County Communications Center, a college spokesman said.

Nearly 5,000 students and faculty were notified of the closure by an emergency text system and a campus-wide speaker system. So were parents, who were urged to collect their children at the college day care.

Buildings were searched and no one was determined to be an active threat.

The school was technically on “suspended operations.” When asked about rumors of white supremacists calling in the threat, Vice President of College Relations Sandra Kaiser she did not know.

Kaiser also said the school doesn’t know if the threat is connected to recent racial tensions on campus.

“There’s nothing that I know of that connects these things directly, but of course, we live in troubled times, and you got to take public safety as a top priority for everybody,” Kaiser said.

Evergreen moved its commencement ceremony to Tacoma in the wake of the threats.