Proposed bill would toughen distracted driving laws

OLYMPIA, Wash. — State senators are considering a bill to toughen distracted driving laws.

State law currently prevents texting and driving, but not things like maps or music.

The legislation would make it illegal to touch your phone with more than one finger while driving and would double the fines for distracted driving.

Cody Meyer's mother was at Tuesday's hearing. Her son was working as a flagger near Issaquah when a distracted driver hit and killed him last May.

His mother told KIRO 7 after the crash that she hopes his story would encourage others to stop distracted driving.

“There’s a chance one more person is going to see the story and put down their damn phone,” she said.

The senate bill has bipartisan support.

The Transportation Committee hasn't scheduled a vote on it, but an identical bill is working its way through the house.