
Random attack leaves Mountlake Terrace mom fighting for her life


MOUNTLAKE TERRACE, Wash. — A suspect used his hands, a beer, and a cooking pot to brutally beat a 32-year-old mom within an inch of her life, after breaking into the home in Mountlake Terrace. She’s now in critical condition at Harborview in a coma.

The crime happened just after 2pm on Monday in the 22400 block of 59th Place West.

Police identify the suspect as 29-year-old Christopher D. Yacono from Arlington.

Family members identify the victim as Marta Haile, who has two young children, and lives at the home with her mother and husband.

The home is a duplex, and two young men live upstairs.

Family members say Marta was home with her four-year-old daughter, when she heard a noise upstairs. She went up to see what was going on and ran into Yacono, the suspect.

Probable cause documents from Snohomish County Court say when Yacono saw Haile, she screamed, and "he slammed her head into the wall. She fell to the floor and he slammed her head onto the hardwood floor twice."

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The documents say after that, “she was not screaming anymore, but just lying on the floor twitching."

Prosecutors say Yacono threw a beer bottle at her head, “grabbed a cooking pot and hit her again in the head.

This broke the pot. A metal cooking pot with the handle broken off was found at the scene.”

Police arrived to find the suspect in the front yard, holding a beer.

Sarah Cordova is one of Haile’s next door neighbors.

“Her door was locked, and she was minding her own business. I think that's what's scary. You can do all the things you're supposed to do and he kicked it in,” Cordova said.

Cordova's roommate, who wasn't home, is Yacono's ex-girlfriend.

Right before the attack, court documents say Yacono was there picking up his cell phone, and pushed his way inside.

“He seemed agitated. He walked right past me,” Cordova said. “I stood by the door didn’t follow him into the house when he pushed back me because he looked creepy,” she said.

Cordova says he left without incident and she didn't know what was going on next door until police knocked to speak with her about 45 minutes later.

Now, says she realizes Yacono could've attacked her.

“I feel kind of guilty,” Cordova said. “Even if I heard something maybe I could've gotten police here faster. I really wish I could've done something that could've helped her,” she said.

The Mountlake Terrace deputy chief says one of the two men who live upstairs called 911 to report the attack.

He says he believes “the man was didn’t realize anyone was being assaulted,” but family members say he must have know Haile was being attacked.

Friends have set up a GoFundMe to help the family with medical costs. Click here to view it and help.