Restaurants can now sell cocktails for pickup or delivery during stay-at-home order

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OLYMPIA — The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board announced Wednesday that restaurants with a Spirits, Beer and Wine license are now allowed to sell premixed alcohol drinks for pickup or delivery.

The state said the allowance will expire within 30 days after the business’ county enters Phase 4 of Washington’s Safe Start plan.

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“Complete Meal” restriction:

In order to sell cocktails, officials said the restaurant must “ensure a bona fide complete meal” (made on-site) is ordered with the premixed cocktail order.

Click here for the state’s definition of a “complete meal.”

Packaging restrictions:

Officials said the cocktail orders must be packaged in a container with a secure lid or cap “and in a manner designed to prevent consumption without removal of the lid or cap.”

Lids with sipping holes or openings for straws are not allowed. Styrofoam and plastic cups, even if sealed over with tape or other materials, are also not allowed.

Click here for examples of what is and isn’t allowed.

Delivery restrictions:

If the cocktail is delivered, it must be done so in the trunk of the vehicle or “beyond the immediate reach of the driver,” the state said.

Restaurants also must guarantee a delivery is made by a person 21 or older, who is an employee and who holds a MAST permit. They also must guarantee that the person accepting the order or delivery is of legal age.


The state said the restaurant must also prominently post the following warning in a manner that puts consumers on notice of limitations regarding open container laws:

Customer Notice:

“Pre-mixed alcoholic beverages that are packaged by this establishment may not be consumed in a motor vehicle or transported in a motor vehicle except in the vehicle’s trunk; or, if there is no trunk, in some other area of the vehicle not normally occupied by the driver or passengers (this does not include a utility compartment or glove compartment, but may include underneath a seat outside of the driver’s reach). RCW 46.61.519.

Note: “Post” means to prominently display on the premises, post online, or present in whatever manner is necessary to ensure that the consumer purchasing, or delivery person transporting, such beverages is given notice of this warning.”